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Alien Bestiary
- Science Fiction
- Anthony Adam
- Kate Baker
- John Bennett
- Eytan Bernstein
- Robert Brookes (I)
- Duan Byrd
- Jeff Dahl
- Robyn Fields
- Joel Flank
- Matthew Goodall
- Robert Grady
- Jim Groves
- Steven T. Helt
- Thurston Hillman
- Eric Hindley
- Tim Hitchcock
- Nicholas Hite
- Daniel Hunt
- Isabelle Lee
- Jeff Lee (I)
- Lyz Liddell
- Mike Kimmel Marshall
- Jason Nelson
- Richard Pett
- Tom Phillips
- Alistair Rigg
- Alex Riggs
- Wendall Roy
- Mike Shel
- Neil Spicer
- Todd Stewart (I)
- Russ Taylor
- Rachel Ventura
- Mike Welham
- George Williams
- Scott Young
- Hanyo Arte
- Bruno Balixa
- Tyler Clark
- Víctor Pérez Corbella
- Laura Diaz Cubas
- Yuri Gamberoni
- William Hendershot
- Jacqueline Hines
- Michael Jaecks
- Tim Kings-Lynne
- Jethro Lentle
- Matthew Lewis
- Dio Mahesa
- Chris McFann
- Austen Mengler
- Andrea Montano
- Marco Morales
- Evan Surya Nugraha
- Beatrice Pelagatti
- Dylan J. Reader
- Arrahman Rendi
- Júlio Rocha
- Henrik Rosenborg
- Tanya Sangsnit
- Chris Smith
- Michael Syrigos
- Takashi Tan
- Justin Tumey
- Stephen Wood (I)
- Daniel Marshall
- Jason Nelson