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Stuff your basket at Cardhaus!


You have just decided in which store you will place an order, but you want to fill some more products in your basket - maybe to obtain free shipping. This page shows you what the store offers to fill your basket. We show you the cheapest items in the store, which at the same time also are great deals compared to other stores. You can limit the products shown by price, using the control to the right.

Hive: The Mosquito DE, ES, FR, GB, NL, PL
Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912 GB, DK, SE, NO, FI, DE, NL, FR, ES, PL, IT
Dixit: Origins GB, DK, SE, NO, FI, DE, NL, FR, ES, PL, PT, IT, GR, RO
Klask DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, NL
Troyes DE, FR, GB
Dragomino DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, NL
Pandemic GB, A New Challenge (2013 version)
Marrakech GB, DK, SE, NO, FI, DE, NL, FR, ES, PL, PT, IT, GR, RO
Hive: The Ladybug GB, DE, NL, FR, ES, PL
Golem GB, IT
Tichu GB, DE, NL, FR, ES, IT